Monday, March 26, 2007

Body Blocking

His illness is written on my body.

Eating excessively for the past six months, I've gained forty pounds, accumulating layers of fat. I tie my intestines in square knots, turn my emotions into sausages, blocking, holding on.

As if I become heavy enough, weighty enough, I might anchor him in place.


jmb said...

Too bad you can't give him some of those pounds.
Whatever it takes to keep going, if food is a comfort, so be it. That and good friends and family.
Be strong for him, whom we all care about although we know him only in his blog.
Take care ratty, of him and yourself

noone said...

{{Hug}} I just read Brainhell's entire blog (nearly). Words are hard to find. Or at least, the right words. Just know you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

granny said...

If you thought it might help, I would gain a few more pounds as well.