Saturday, August 18, 2007

The wrong direction

My fifth day in a row at BH's house, the fourth full day since his wife and kids left for much-needed R&R, I get a call from my husband.

My husband is having trouble breathing. He's throwing up. His inhaler isn't quelling the asthma attack. "I need you."

Check with BH, check with the attendant on duty, call the attendant who is scheduled to arrive: everyone on track, everything under control, can I leave to help my man? Husband hangs on the line.

Out the door. Driving home. Cell phone, every few minutes: "Where are you?"

Hold on. Hold.

Home. Husband into the car. Head for the emergency room.

Fire on the hillside, traffic clotted on the bridge, looky-loos and weekend-escapees. Slow, slow.

Emergency room. Hand husband over to doctors. Wait. Wait some more.

Two hours later, he's stable, but they can't predict whether he'll need to stay only a few more hours or remain overnight.

My cell phone has lost its charge. If BH's attendants try to call me, I won't know.

Back to BH's house I go.


jmb said...

I'm sure you were quite torn there about what to do and I hope everything worked out Ok for everyone.

Megan said...

just wanted you to know i'm thinking of you. you're doing an excellent job and you made the right choice.

Yankee T said...

Oh dear lord. Talk about feeling pulled apart. So sorry.

Go Write Through said...

I didn't know being a caretaker could be so hard, until lately. Take care of them, of yourself too.

RusticateGirl said...

Hang in there. Geez.