Saturday, April 28, 2007

Good Day III

Shall we go for three in a row? Today I will plant peppers and lemon cucumbers and look forward, not back. Green growth. Summer salsa. The blessing of bees.


Megan said...

Green growth is good. So is getting dirt under your fingernails and the smell of earth and sun.

jmb said...

California, land of milk and honey! Well except for the droughts and the earthquakes and the mudslides.
Hoping for Good Day IV et al. for you all.

Meredith Jones said...

What's a lemon cucumber? Perhaps it's what we call an apple cucumber - a whitish, roundish one a bit bigger than a tennis ball?

Carolyn Hill said...

I googled "apple cucumber" to see if I could find an answer to your question, Meredith. The two seem similar but not identical. Lemon cucumbers are round, about the size of a lemon but without a lemon's pointy end. They start out pale green and then turn very yellow. They're best when eaten just as they begin to turn yellow; if you wait until they are as yellow as a lemon, their skin is tough and the seeds are big.

The Parents said...

Ou lemon cuce's went in the ground this weekend!