Thursday, April 19, 2007

Updates Upchuck

A friend of the family sends updates to the wonderful support group that helps BH. The latest update made my gut churn. It gives the impression that I, my sister, and my mom and dad are doing nothing except attend family meetings--and that "now," as a result of those meetings, BH is being cared for. As if we had to be talked into taking action. As if the care referred to as "now" taking place didn't predate the meetings. As if we hadn't been instrumental in anticipating the need for care; as if we hadn't set up care, paid for care, cared enough to care. As if we haven't been spending days every week helping out--and been doing so for months. Years.


I doubt the writer intended to give that impression. Just bad writing. But there: I've vomited my ugly self-pity out on the screen. Good riddance.


jmb said...

Well luckily that didn't make it onto BH's blog, where nobody doubts that BH is receiving the very best possible care and attention from his loved ones.
Take care

brainhell said...

i am receiving the very best possible care and attention from loved ones.

jmb said...

I meant I'm glad the update didn't appear on BH's blog, not Ratty's feelings about it.
Looking at my comment later, it could be a bit ambiguous. Have I made it worse? Sorry. Best of intentions. I'm crawling back under my rock.
Take care, Ratty and BH

Carolyn Hill said...

Thanks, JMB.

noone said...

I sort of know how you feel. I consider your family incredible and loving and ultra supportive and caring. Don't ever doubt that.

God, sometimes family friends are a PITA.


Carolyn Hill said...

Carrie, I just read the April 2007 posts on your blog and was blown away by all that you are dealing with--especially the feelings you describe in "Watching Is Painful." Your situation is excruciating, so I particularly appreciate your virtual hug. {{hugs back}}