Monday, April 2, 2007

Gravity on Jupiter

Sisyphus had it easy.

He had control of his muscles. And he only had to push his rock uphill on Earth.

People with ALS don't have that. It's like Jupiterean gravity is squashing them flat.

Their rocks aren't moving anywhere, up or down the gravity well.


Meredith Jones said...

Oh gee. I know it's probably a stupid question, but would there be any relief in a swimming pool, fully supported of course?

Carolyn Hill said...

Thank you, Meredith, for your suggestion. The problem with a pool is that, even now, on dry land, he spends most of his day trying not to drown in his own saliva--so floating in a pool would be a nightmare.

Meredith Jones said...

Oh jesus.

donna said...

Do you have some way of decompressing with all you are going through? I can't imagion what it must be like for you. I just hope there are others looking out for you and your mental health and needs. Heck just let that tiger out when in a safe place! grrr!

Josephine said...

I have a feeling Ratty might not want to hear it, but I am so very sorry for the pain that he is forced to endure. And I think about him, a lot.