Sunday, April 29, 2007

Lesson 6

Logical responses to emotional craziness do more harm than good.


Megan said...

you'd think one day they'd learn that.

Megan said...

after re-reading it, i realize that you could have been the one with the logical response. i was personalizing it because i was a little emotional on my husband a few days ago and he was logical and i just wanted to scream at him.

anyway, logic and emotion don't mix so well, even if it is delivered with good intent.

i will be out of town this week but still checking in on you. here's hoping for more good days.

Carolyn Hill said...

You're right, Sis B; it cuts both ways. Most recently, I was the one using logic, which made the situation worse. But I've been on the receiving end before, so you'd think I'd know better. Hence, lesson 6.