Thursday, April 5, 2007

Castle Walls

Send out a warrior, and I will fight.
Send out a preacher, and I will pray.
Send out a mesmer, and I will dance.

Send out death, and I will know.


shara said...

Is it helping, the voicing of things you can't say in other places? I hope it is.

Carolyn Hill said...

Sort of. But I've discovered that I can't really say everything here, either, for fear of causing hurt to people who do know who I am.

Megan said...

Ratty, find a place where people don't know who you are. You need that freedom. You need a place to deal with this without worrying about anyone's feelings but your own.

I'm not sure who you are, but I think of you and yours often. Sitting here in cyber-space I get so frustrated that I have no practical way to help, to ease his pain, to help shoulder your stress. I know that it is nothing compared to the frustration that you feel.

I come here every day and try to say something to you, but my words feel so empty and I don't know if you even want to read them. I just wanted to let you know that I think of you and care about what you say.

I hope you find a place to vent where you feel safe. It's the very least you deserve.

Carolyn Hill said...

Thank you, Sis B.

shara said...

write it, roll it up and burn it, say it out loud to yourself when you're somewhere no one can hear you, I know you don't want to cause hurt and how the weight of unexpressed feelings can crush you, all that filtering, or at least how it does me - anyway, it's a start, it might help ease the pressure, give you strength to be calm and loving or whatever it is you need to be, and here I am, a complete stranger, giving unsolicited and probably quite nonsensical advice, can't say why but somehow I just feel compelled to, so please take it for what it's worth, just concern of one mind for another